
About us

About Evra Technologies

(EVRA : Ecopor-Vétérainaire-Reproduction-Animale)

For more than 16 years, EVRA Technologies has put its expertise at the service of its customers. Our company is located in the North of France, in the center of Europe. We offer a wide range of products in the field of animal reproduction of all species, in particular the porcine species, as well as products intended for hygiene, comfort and nutritional supplement. We have developed products, such as the Prefer® technology. We have been present internationally for more than 10 years with our network of partners. Our priority is to offer our partners reliable products and service in order to satisfy their customers.

Jean Françcois Yvoz


Our range of products

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Innovation - PREFER©


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Patent / innovation

Download catalog by species

Catalog equine/equin

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Catalog pig/porcin

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catalog cattle/bovin

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medical imagery & ultrasound

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Latest News

image 25June 2020
PREFER 305 (New)

New catalog available with species category, pig, equine, cattle and medical imagery & ultrasound  

image 25June 2020
New catalog Available

New catalog available with species category, pig, equine, cattle and medical imagery & ultrasound

image 25June 2020
ECOPOR becomes EVRA technologies

Ecopor become EVRA technologies.

Customer Feedback

Since our partnership with EVRA, we have gained in profitability for the collection of boars !

Evra technologies has been supporting GENERAL FARM for more than 10 years, PREFER technology product stisfies a large number of our customers !